Estimated delivery suddenly saying two months instead of two weeks
Fake gold ring - seller is demanding XRF lab testing certificate, will etsy also require further testing to side with me?
Acrylic Nails
Help with an order
EU to UK VAT on small items under £135
Sassy Saints Honest Review
Canceled My Order Claiming “Out of Stock,” Then Relisted for 50% More
Sassy Saints coming from China???
Update: AITA for refusing to follow the rules my boyfriend laid out for me?
I sent my return item back but they said it was a cardboard
11th November
Paypal with a bank chargeback
Is this a new scam? …
Aita for asking my wife to get out of my house after she asked my sister to get out of her house
Why do people use debt/GDP as a measure, shouldnt it be tax revenue/GDP ?
Are Ebay suspending seller with less than five stars?
Scammer pretending to be my CEO
Payment to receive
Lol. -last in semifinal
Scam- icioud email (Asking for Litecoin)
Scam info about email address
Icloud Hacked asking for money
Where to watch rajt ma rajtx?