Bro is gonna roll forever
Best camera work I've seen inna minute
Mixed Coca Cola with wine and it tastes amazing
The film "the incredible Mr limpet" (1999) was cancelled due to Jim Carrey's controversial choice of portraying a racial stereotype of a Japanese man.
“Damn, coach paired us up again? Bet, now let’s practice that post-up.”
Senator Mark Kelly is getting rid of his Tesla - ''What matters is doing the right thing. I don't wanna drive a car built and designed by an asshole.''
The east of Russia looks like a leaning Trump
Coworker leaves Bible verses everywhere. The workplace is largely Christian and the ones who aren't keep it to themselves (I'm agnostic). This is the 10th verse I've found in a week
This song is largely responsible for my first child being conceived 😂
The alignment of features on this building
To eat an sandwich
He got the perfect pump
A Dolos Sea Defence Structure
That’s called a purrfect copy cat
Cursed Sign
Third row, second column.
Someone is still running his account?
What's the Mona Lisa get made in one second
Baboons gone wild
Black woman saves black man!
Magician's trick revealed
Local Electronics store waiting for a sucker
Dial-up handshake explained with visualization
Poop restaurant