Help me; I don’t know what to do
8 years of sobriety gone
Beta blockers and ED
These post are hilarious
Reddit is completely overrun by the left, and it’s sickening
Reinfected- have long covid again
Does anyone else have to pee SO FUCKING MUCH during a flare up?
Vitamin D causing POTS flare?
Been on Atenolol for 2 weeks now.
first adrenaline surge?
How do you describe adrenaline surges?
FireSale !!!!!
Penile implant to get rid of ED caused by HF, why not?
It’s so infuriating to find misinformation like this coming from a doctor.
Does anyone just feel like they have been poisoned?
Pro-Trump & MAGA restaurants to avoid
Does anybody have any inspirationon dating with pots
Cavity’s filled with pots
can anyone relate???
Has anyone had any success with anything that helped their POTS?
I temporarily got better while on omnicef antibiotic
How long did it take for your beta blocker fatigue to chill out?
How long do your adrenaline attacks last?
Explain POTS in one sentence, in layman's terms
30 days clean. Can’t believe it