Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
If you knew you’d only average losing 1lb a week on glps, would you have started?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Help 60mg one vile
AITA for refusing to give my pregnant ex-fiancée money after she left me for another man?
Traveling for ten days. Should I bring a dose with me!
Anxiety Attacks
Side effects from a *very* low dose Tirz
AITA for point blank refusing to be my sister’s surrogate, because it would ruin my "mummy makeover"?
What is your household income to mortgage ratio?
AIO? Husband tried to choke me but didn't do it "as forcefully as he could have" so it doesn't count?
First does (Tirz 1mg) and feeling terrible!
Covid Vaccines: Yale Study Confirms They Are Destroying People’s Health
My Boss Called My Mom After I Gave Notice
Valentine’s Day dinner. Which option is best for a fancy steakhouse?
Quitting my job after seven months and my boss said she paid an agent 20g to find me. I need advice
Micro-dosing Trizepatide or Any GLP1’s
One month in on Tirz
What do you make of President Trump's plans to dismantle the Education Department?
Wife (33F) left me because of one night when I (45M) had too much to drink
AITAH for "changing my mind on wanting kids" and saying "I've never been more disappointed in " my wife.
Scared southern trans woman looking to relocate
Should we sell our current home with a 2.883% rate?
Not what I expected
Work Gala, please help me choose.