Are most antique sellers secretly struggling?
Looking for old fashioned peanut butter eggs for Easter
I Thought They Were All For Body Positivity?
That would explain most of my issues
I talked to a long time auctioneer last night.
Grandfather recently passed and I was given these two knives from his collection. Both Santa Fe Stoneworks, but one says “Western” and one is “Camillus”. Any history on these?
Pittsburgh-area Starbucks baristas striking against what they call unfair labor practices
Floor Lottery Loser. Now what?
Bugging out as a family of four
After 31 weeks straight, we cancelled
[PA] Workday and benefits guidance
Need help with an ID
Is this yoohoo safe to drink?
How long have you been at your current job?
What's the glowing Smoke billowing near I81 coming from
200 year old stone house. Refinishing the second staircase. Exposed the stone wall and took down the plaster (it was under wallpaper and in terrible shape)
Very timely goodwill find
for people who have visited the US from other countries, what shocked you the most?
Does anyone know when this pocket knife was made? Thanks!
Texas, United States - How can I tell if this is real or a reproduction?
IRS Cutting 6,000 employees
As a Gen X, do you feel like you stay in uncomfortable situations just to prove to everyone that you can take it and they can’t bother you?
United States WWII Vet turns 100 years old
What’s your “I can’t believe they were doing that at work” story?
Sold an item and asked to not send for 10 days?