Which brief, disliked plot point or character would you like to see redeemed, and how?
The 'Marvel Gaming Universe' Was a Disney Initiative That Would Have Existed in the Same Way the MCU Does, but It Was Scrapped
Can someone please…
“T-1000 mimicking Kitana can’t hurt you”
Rewatching Supernatural
What is the most underappreciated FF game of all time?
Anyone who knows magic have any idea why zell would have this ability. The rest of the final fantasy cards have all made tons of sense to me. Not zell though.
Let me start first
Do you think Final fantasy 17 is going to be more like 16?
Most disturbing images in final fantasy. Respond with pictures in comments
People who say FF16 is bad, are just scared of the gameplay change.
Not sure which toilet to use
Why does River Song not remember who shot the doctor at the lake in Utah?
what do you like about classic who?
What's something that went over most fan's heads or it feels that way at least?
What are the cringiest lines of Angel the Series?
POV: it's March 1999, and a new Final Fantasy is on the way....(from PSM issue 19)
How did Lulu make it to the Calm lands during her first pilgrimage as a guardian?
My Aerith cosplay (JyuSan)
My Tifa Lockhart Cosplay (Aria)
Has Square ever considered the idea of building a real-life Gold Saucer-esque theme park based on the games?
What is your unpopular opinion on anything from FF?
My favourite screen in the whole game
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