Which one of you is this
Tremor Doing Tremor Things
[WTS] Aimpoint T2, Scalarworks LEAP 1.57, MI T2 Low QD mount, PA GLX 2x
My Skinwalker Loadout (Henry .45-70 and .357 Case Hardened)
My Blasters (Henry .45-70 and .357 Case Hardened)
Feelin Peachy
Massive Multiplayer Beta Code Giveaway for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
This is one of my gunrunning outfit's what is yours?
Weekly Questions Thread - (Week Beginning June 26, 2017 UTC)
Real steel knowledge from airsoft?
Medic loadouts for medics because people who play medic are cool
List of in-game additions (gear, guns vehicles)