Reminder: Strongest Man in the world is White-Beard, not Roger or Garp
Is it true that UE Vegeta scales to Complex multi- Outerversal with irrelevant speed?
Whitebeard’s Strength makes no sense
Whitebeard’s strength makes no sense
Roger had to beg and plead Whitebeard because he knew he couldn’t win a Davy Back fight like a real Pirate King would.
Bullet vs prime whitebeard
I can’t see a scenario where Roger defeats prime Whitebeard. Whitebeard is better than Roger in every aspect and has Haki comparable to his.
Why does Vegeta lose to every main villain? Is it for a specific reason or just to create hype for Goku?
Sledging karu raat bhar, run maaru jh*t bhar
Garp=Roger>= WB (in terms of Haki), still the difference is very minimal.
Not Power Scaling, But Character Scaling of the Top Old Gen.
Whats an Agenda youll forever push?
Can G5 luffy defeat Prime Whitebeard? (No Stamina Drain for Luffy)
There may be a debate about who’s stronger between Roger and Whitebeard, but there’s never a debate on who has the most aura among them.
Both Roger and Ace know who the true king of the sea is.
Luffy wants to become " PIRATE KING" and ZORO wants to become "WSS". Meanwhile, This Sub - "Titles are Fraud"
“Whitebeard>Roger=Garp” Prove this wrong.
This Dude here is embodiment of " ALL TALK AND NO ACTION ".
What do yall think of my top 10
The most accurate Haki tier list
"Oyaji" of Giga Chad
Whitebeard's ONE-PIECE
What could have earned Whitebeard the title of "World's Strongest Man"?