losercity banishment
Do you support LGBTQ, and do your parents support it?
they don’t believe me when I say that I built this PC by myself as a girl (proud of myself:))
Hey Spirits, are you chill with the LGBTQ+ community?
[oc] losercity bumblebee
*NOM* (fanart by me)
Losercity idea
Donald Trump has asked Ouija to name his next baby with Melania. What’s its name going be, spirits?
Trump just announced he will fire all ____
Oh no, my Spotify APK stopped working.
My mom’s husband did this in my brother’s high school notebook
Ouija spirits, what keeps you going when you wake up.
Spirits can you speak in morse code?
I am prepared to resort to anything, to submit to anything, for the sake of the ____________.
Is that a real thing?
Petition to rename America to _______
I'm building this 2000 usd. But I don't know what to do for my cpu or gpu
What is this?
If I was a fruit, I'd be a _______________
Who genuinely likes Reddit?
Skulk sensor
The amount of times i do this