We’ve had some bad decisions so far
Which celebrity death during your lifetime that hit you the hardest?
Anyone else take this?
Gum irritation with certain flavors
What to do with this building?
My happy place
Cash out or play it out ?
In your opinion, which actor plays the same character in every movie he/she’s in?
Robotic Hiking Pants Boost Leg Strength by 40%
What TV show has a 10/10 finale?
Chandler should not be in the UFC
What has become so expensive that you no longer buy it?
[no spoilers] any games like life is strange and the walking dead on Xbox?
I’m confident on this one (easy money)
Redbubble is a waste of time
I think I like my chances of this hitting.. feedback?
What's the best or most recent "I’m an adult with a paycheck" fun buy you've made?
What game would you totally erase from your memory so that you can experience it for the first time again?
What game will you never stop playing?
1st ever parlay. How’d I do?
What is your “comfort movie” that you have watched many times?
UFC 302 Parlay, I’ll let you leg kick me if it doesn’t hit
Who ruins this?