1st place!
My Amazon account was hacked and they want me to pay 550$+ of fraudulent charges.
Once in a lifetime
I hit two royal flushes in the same week !!
Pick of the Day - 3/14/25 (Friday)
Fanatics Is Trash
Pick of the Day - 3/15/25 (Saturday)
Holy shit am I really about to hit a 20 leg ???
My GF randomly pulled these out of her childhood dresser
My first musky, caught while smallmouth fishing in WV
My best find at a thrift store. Sorry to whoever donated it :)
Well I think I screwed up..
Trout on this profishency pocket combo from Walmart clearance
What has been your worst Sports betting nightmare
A 3,500 mummified dog and monkey said to be the pet of Pharoah Amenhotep II by how close in proximity they were buried to each other in the Valley of the Kings.
Huge 9 way all-in
Is this a Muskie or a pike? Caught in lake st. Claire.
People who use AI photos on dating apps
How to change username and picture on BetMGM?
Anyone else get lucky this morning at Pokémon Center?
Worst bad beat I've ever witnessed
My milk is turning 4 years old today!
What’s the rarest or wildest thing you have ever seen in your local thrift stores?
Giveaway! Merry Christmas everyone! Winner drawn tomorrow evening! Drop a number between 0-3999 for a chance to win!
Is this really how much concert tickets costs these days?