Why do women get so upset if someone they consider ugly tries to hit on them?
Never watched UNHhhh
VHS collection
Do you think Elon Musk is going to back down from politics as Tesla sales are plummeting around the world?
Blatant lies from Sobeys
Trump F*cked America's Farmers—And They're P*ssed About It.
What has our province come to...
Any schizophrenic sounding classical
A local graphics owner says my website that ranks high in google is old as 1992 and unprofessional. how to improve?
Were the 1970s really “less evil” than modern society?
wtf is wrong with people
Half Of All Tesla EVs Are Made and sold In China The Shanghai factory consistently builds more EVs than the three other sites—California, Texas, and Germany—combined. Is Tesla still an American company at this point?
Bernie Sanders draws record crowds in rallies across the U.S
Interior design for the new French high-speed trains
The loneliness of modern man
Help identifying this song
If Trump is a Russian puppet, why did the US resume giving Ukraine Intelligence?
Debater dies inside when genius claims government agencies pay taxes…
PM reveals he has tried to call Donald Trump but he’s not picking up
After breaking off their agreement with France, Australians worry they'll never receive American submarines
Shut Up About NATO Expansion | Debunking misinformation about NATO expansion
If AI creates a post scarcity reality there will be no politics.
Actress Billie Burke, a primordial figure on stage today is best known for being Glinda in "The wonderful Wizard of Oz". Still shocks me that she was in her mid 50s, while looking mid 30s. Photos of she on her prime in early 1900s.
Trump has declared the Tesla Boycott to be "Illegal". It is protected by the 1st Amendment nor is it possible to enforce compulsory Tesla purchases. He is an idiot.