Noob udyr looking to improve the basics
Help! I've fallen in love with bard but i have absolutely no clue what im doing. What is chimes, what is life?
I just started a survivalhunter, but my freind said i wont get invi to lategame
How do i improve at looping as a survivor?
Just made my first Prot Pally, and i can't decide between Templar or lightsmith
Killers, give me your opinion on slugging after being body-blocked at the hook?
SMMR down to 0
Real talk bois... Is Myers viable without using any tombstone/mirror add-ons?
I just completed my platinum trophy and all adept challenges. AMA
I reaaally wanna play honor among thieves, but dont know how to access it
Why do I always whiff on doc
Question for curve billys
This killer concept I came up with.
Any silly/fun builds out there?
Experienced killer on PC switching to Console with.... varied succes.
There is no way i was able to murder 3 out of 4 survivors in my first game as a killer.
My Ring og Hircine doesn't work, and i can't fix it.
Need a build for my last achievements
Hvornår skal man spare, og hvornår skal man leve?
Building the infamous ESO Knight. Need help to set it up
How to get lots of firewood?
Buying my first guitar this weekend, but have no idea what kind..
Hey bros. Can you recommend me some ethical content to cry to?
Hvor faen skal man enlig finde en kæreste?
Average Arms warrior feeling a lil down after reading patch notes.