Why do some guys (32M) friendzone you (31F) then act weird when you start treating them as a friend?
Why do some guys who friendzone you act weird when you start treating them like a friend?
Why is my former fling so hell bent on being friends?
Why don’t men even have romantic feelings for me?
How can I become relationship material (vs. FWB/side chick material)?
Why does she insist I have a roster
What do you think about playing “ Would you rather” on a date?
How can I be relationship material (vs. being FWB/side chick material)?
Would you date a 28y hardworking broke guy who was financially irresponsible?
Relationship material vs FWB material
How’s your dating life going?
If you get DUMPED and stay FRIENDS with your ex … here’s what will happen (buckle up)
Dump, been 4 months since I started
What are the biggest turn offs in the first few dates?
Am I ugly for a 40 year old female? Here’s photos of me smiling
Is it possible to turn a hookup into a relationship?