Into Trophy Hunting?
Help with the Valour Crest Trophy
Mutants In Manhattan PS4 - EU players
[TMNT Mutants In Manhattan] Online trophies help
Does anyone still play tmnt mutants in Manhattan
Does anyone still play Tmnt mutants in manhattan on PS? I
[Other] So You Want To Platinum Resident Evil 2...
[#17 - Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order] Can’t wait for the sequel!
[Bully] incredible, I could never finish it when I was a kid. I'm so glad to finish it now :)
[Resident Evil 2] Started this with a good friend who I don't see as often because he lives 30 hours away. This was a special one so I got the plat on his birthday.
So You Want To Platinum Alan Wake...
So You Want To Platinum Horizon Zero Dawn...
So You Want To Platinum Sackboy A Big Adventure...