A decent cafe to casually sit in & fiddle with my tablet?
Club Prana
Whoever just hit and ran the lady on the scooter on Dale Mabry in front of Sam’s…
Tell me you don’t have kids without telling me you don’t have kids
What is the most absurd thing someone has said to you in response to you telling them you don’t want to have kids?
At a loss
crash on I-275
Olivia deserves a man who will do butt stuff
Jump scare! TSandy on the traitors s3e5
David reaching for his phone after the "Well, let's see the photo" 😂😂
Has Trump's return made any childfree folk extra thankful for being childfree?
Why can’t we sign up for classes all week?
What ages a person REALLY quickly ?
It’s bs that financial aid doesn’t cover a parking pass.
Shot I took this morning ☀️
In Australia we say ‘it’s pissing down’ when it’s raining very heavily, what do people in other parts of the world say?
Do you guys ever "lose" fish? As in, you just can't find them in your tank suddenly?
Now that we’re all grown up. what was your first tank like?
What does everyone do with their duplicates?
Dorit’s headwear choice
Find the 🦀
Ethan spotting in Minnesota tonight. revisited. she's not the same as line dance girl
Ethan spotting in Minnesota tonight.
The worst traffic..
Can you ask your cats to wait on the other side of the rainbow bridge for Marvin? He's about to cross and he gets very scared when I'm not there..