Asked to leave because of allergies
My Passport Gender Request Was Denied. It Could Have Been Much Worse.
Is custom makeup worth it?
Was playing last night and this theme came up... thoughts?
What’s your least favorite style showdown challenge?
Trash everywhere
The amount of laundry detergent left in an “empty” container
Cis bro wants a sleepover, help
Here to rant about twitter livestream discourse
Recently licensed, first job interview for an esthetician position today, any tips?
Is there another court date for beal?
Where do you get your makeup from?
What is your favorite theme and why?
My friend kept making fat jokes at game night
Self soothing resources
Any recommendations for fitness/calorie apps that aren't evil??
Waxing and sanitation
ICE outside of American Grille
Waxing without gloves?
Amazon clothing??
Massive disabilities not supported because I struggle to stay alive
People Who Can Shop In Stores Are Privileged.
Are we done?
Where could I get HRT?