Day 3 of trying to get a comment from every county (WE FINISHED MASSACHUSETTS! also I did not get some of you because I was sleeping and at work)
How are these generally small pokemon getting so many points?
Is it worth the primal?
I found these old dragon ball cards in a box I found recently
Haven't collected since XY/SM era
Help with Google play coupon
Is wimpod still going to spawn this season?
I'm trying to find a trustworthy site / seller for these half cabs that I want
I'm tryna get this pair of half cab vans but I can't find a seller I trust fully
Will remote raids be enabled for the rayquaza makeup day?
I have a 14/15/15 shadow blaziken and an excess amount of rare candies
I have this giovanni quest but im not really interested in shadow groudon as i have one already. Is the pokemon you get locked to the specific quest/radar or can i save it for another giovanni pokemon?
Would the game work without service but on a wifi connection?
I need help with PvP
Can't sign in to my acc
Which one should I evo?
Which wimpod should I evo?
Screw sex, what’s your most played game?
Best song on THE NEVER STORY?
why can't I access my tech parts? is there a requirement I haven't hit or something?
What is the most overrated song of all time?
Can anyone identify this or give me a price on this?
After almost a year of collecting i have finally done it
Almost to 42069