X-Men Children Of The Atom is the biggest pain of the Marvel/Capcom games.
These two carried my team in King Of Fighters. This game should be renamed, Queen Of Fighters.
Rank the New Year’s kisses from the S1 finale in order from favorite to least favorite.
Most shocking moment(s) of the show?
Who came off as the bigger natural underdog out of these two in S6?
Do you agree with this take of mine regarding these two.
This scene was very mean and unfair to Riley.
Why didn't she give him the contract at the start too, like her, if their both contracts are same?
Would Mark have taken care of Conquest quicker if he and Omni-Man fought him two on one?
How did y’all feel about the Tag Team sequence in S6 Part 2?
Wally is the best spirit/ghost character in the show.
Kreese sending Yoon away was a great first step in Kreese making an effort to redeem himself.
I feel like Eli’s kind moments and noble qualities are stuff we look over.
Something I have noticed regarding Kim.
In the end, it all turned out to be true regarding Miguel and Robby.
DupliKate and Multipaul’s backstory was pretty tragic. I can’t help but feel for Kate in her loyalty to her father and wanting to help her brother.
The most badass move done by a character: Robby
The two best heel turns of the 2020s so far. I don’t think its even debatable.
Which reconciliation scene was the best and most emotional in the show?
Which generation do you prefer? Old or New
What was your favorite Artemis(AKA Awesomis) and Zatanna moment from the episode Secrets?
Do you think Kenny and Devon would have gotten together
Who wore Robin's clothes the best?
Who looks the most badass in a cobra Kai GI?
Sadly this statement and declaration from Dick would end up not aging well from what I remember.