Raised $2500 to take 50 Brownsville kids to see A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE and eat at Gage and Tollner
What’s going on in the Hasidic community tonight?
When most celebrities die, so many nice things are said about them. But who’s a celebrity that died that no one really said great things about afterwards?
Help finding a scene
ULPT Request: I think a woman tried to hurt me and my son over an accident
Daycare Complaint
All those TeSSla owners out there still paying off their “cars” when you send in your $$$ every month this is who you’re sending your money to
ULPT Request: Serial Child Offender at my Gym
Would you buy a house from reality TV star Jasmine Pineda? She’s about to earn her real estate license soon 👀
How doable is Pilates while working 40 hours a week?
Update on the Florida Strawberries. Price dropped.
Measles outbreak reaches worrying milestone as doctors reveal what 99% of infected people have in common
Waiting in the lobby for a fully booked class
“I didn’t need it anyway!”
For those of you who voted for Trump specifically because you hoped to avoid higher taxes, how has that decision affected your finances? Did things turn out as you had hoped? Why or why not?
Sentenced to 24 months in federal prison. What’s next ?
Update: She fired me
Nextdoor Trumpist didn’t vote for a billionaire and a convicted felon to cut her social security
Specific event recording?
Did anyone at CSI know my sister, Khaeli Reynolds?
New dog waste disposal signs went up in New York
Who’s the funniest member of Congress & why?
How much money did you save by asking a hospital for an itemized bill?
Does anyone know of any Libraries that grant Library E-Cards without having to go in person?