Makes sense why Dems hate deportations
Is Prestige Cyber Cat Yuumi worth buying?
What is the most "this is hopeless" final boss champion when fed?
Weird creative choices for sure
This is getting out of hand
What went wrong?
League Dev perfectly explains "Character Appeal" isnt always "Sexy"
Do we agree or disagree? This is purely from my experiences.
Yuumi Matchups from a Yuumi Mains experience
THRESH MATCHUPS from an otp (making a video on it)
I dont understand
Am I a bad person?
Mel insane pick/ban rate
Gaming circle jerk is officially brigading gaming subreddits. We may be next
Looking For Diet Advice
My friend and I are enoying Yuumi/Samira
Enchanter untouched
what's your reason for playing yuumi?
After maining her for 5 years... Fuck Rell. I'm a Yuumi main now.
thoughts on scorch vs gathering storm?
Am I the only one who doesn’t like Timebomb ship?
My grievances with Mel after 8 games of playing her.
Considering champs that were designed to be supports, which type would you like to see as our next main role support champ?