Gil Appreciation Post
Luke and Lorelai were so unbelievably married in the Yale move in episode.
My daughter closed her eyes, just like I told her to, and excitedly said, “What’s the big surprise, Daddy?”
AITA for putting my child's (10 yo) things in garbage bags because they refuse to clean their room?
I said it once and I'll say it again.
Am I supposed to use a new glass every time I get water?
Trans Rights Readathon: Horror Edition
TJ appreciation post lol
Apt Pupil
Lorelai’s Graduation— thoughts?
Why was Paris dating a professor so incredibly weird and awful but strangely in character for her?
I’ve read 48 King books. Should I read them all? What should I read next?
WIBTA if I sext with strangers?
Just started Apt Pupil
When the demon told me my eternal punishment was to torment innocent souls in hell, I was confused.
memoirs about lesbianism or by lesbian authors
i just got really good insurance…now what?
Who would win in a free for all fight? Cato, Clove, Glimmer or Marvel?
Some shenanigans.
Ever noticed how quiet your house gets when you’re reading about being watched?
AIO, my boyfriend is mad that, as a healthcare provider, I support women in their abortion care.
Dom Femme x sub Masc?
Guest services saying that mini-fridge is *not* meant to be cooling drinks
What’s a show you randomly started watching on Netflix and ended up loving?
Thoughts on LGBT family moving from New England to Louisiana