Caffè Italia * 12/03/25
Where can I find this hoodie?
Caffè Italia * 09/03/25
Just saw this on Twitter. Is this minoxidil in a fancy bottle?
Reckon I could pull off a slicked back style or should I just stick to pic 3 and 4?
[Match Thread] Feyenoord vs Inter (UEFA Champions League, Round of 16)
Caffè Italia * 03/03/25
Caffè Italia * 01/03/25
Casual Friday * 28/02/25
Germa brothers are coming!
what's this haircut called?
Cutting a cucumber with a throwing knife
March 2025 Content Update Niantic Infographic
Wich one looks cooler?
”I look like a worm”
A bruciapelo: film peggiori che vi sia mai capitato di vedere?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
qual è LA canzone che vi fa sentire così?
Quali sono i vostri requisiti superficiali che deve avere il vostro partner?
Whats your most shallow dating requirement?
[Match Thread] Inter vs Lazio (Coppa Italia, Quarter-finals)
Risposta a "Basta con sto cazzo di caparezza"
What’s the first thing you notice in a woman?
What are some “girlier” songs that you enjoy?
Meglio perdere una gamba o un braccio?