Exactly what miracle of diabolical balance got us here? Hello?
Insta casting/shapeshifting is toxic for this game
my bf likes trans girls. f26 m30
Is she berried? First time shrimp owner
I think I found a bus
Fluid and filters questions
Good shrimp tank mates?
Rogue Drama
Wtf do i do. Its fast af.
Stop being so whiny
500hour player take on the 80 - 2 update
Let’s cool it on the “I’m quitting” every patch.
Druid went under map to win game
Look what I found
The circle and random portals are coming back to high roller confirmed
What the heck is this?!
A Korean news article covering the lawsuit between Ironmace and Nexon, translated
Why is 50% of the playerbase in squire lobbies? Because the game is balanced around low gear
It hurts my heart when my RRF bloom and I have to throw out a third of them anyway 😭
My friend who hasn't played since the playtests asked if this bug he reported way back was still in the game
Devs on player retention:
HR 1v2 is pure dopamine and I love it (You can sign up to try it info in comments)
Solar Panel Motorized Tilt
Why does IM care if people only play 0-24gs?
Continous Dungeon and Fog of war make Hot spots unexistent