What is your Doberman scared of?
an EotD anime
Help 😭😭😭
Calavera Diamonds
Is the stitching from this LV x TM item bad?
Really cool and super clean 7.04 sapphire from Madagascar, man when I get gems like these I just wish I could see the crystal it came from!
People who prefer G/H/I color diamonds, can you explain why?
Just A Flaunt (nfs)
LV Tape Card holder
Fragrance refill quality
The wallet comment
Horse names
I hope you can recognise which stone is this
Pawn shop ethics?
found on gooddog- backyard breeder final boss ☹️
Do you own natural diamonds AND LGDs?
Size of diamond advice
Has anyone ever had to repeat Lithotripsy for same kidney stone?
Have you ever been targeted for your larger Natural or Lab Diamond piece of Jewelry?
What color is this Tahoe?
Poll: Will you pre-order Diablo 4?
Comparison of Steve shippy (prozak) investigations compared to GAC?
Help!! Does anyone know what these boots are called or when they were made?
Pouchette Métis