10 BPS + Voted Best Project
What happened to Kas?
[ Skyrim ] What a game
Time in the market always wins
Kaspa 17000
Ideal entry for KAS?
Just hit 70k kaspa!!!
Kaspa's Nakamoto consensus vs Bitcoin's
never sell before it reaches 100b marketcap
I think I have a problem!
JUST IN:: Today on Feb 23 ,2025 the hash ribbons indicator which I created last year , printed a buy signal after 20 months . The last time it happened, was on Jun 20, 2023 (6x gains)
Kaspa market cap
Why is everything go down?
[Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories] (PS4) A port from the Advance days that annoyed the hell out of me.
[Discussion] What are the most fun platinums you’ve completed?
CFD restricted
Copy Trading Power Rankings (March)
[Black Ops III] Still the hardest platinum I ever went all in for and finally finished (months ago now). Next will be finishing RE VIllage.
[resident evil series] what resident evil games should I platinum and in what order
[Discussion] Which platinum trophy Broke you?
[Sly Cooper: Thieves in time] #264
[Multiple Games] the 19 platinums I got in 2023! Some harder than others. Here’s to getting more in 2024 🎉
[ Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl] 6th person in the world to platinum!!!
6th person to platinum Nickelodeon All Star Brawl of all time