Could this land be used for a Super Nintendo World expansion? Maybe the Luigi’s Mansion area?
I feel like with everything going on in the world, Superman isn’t that interesting. If James Gunn were to make a biopic movie based on a real hero or team, who would he tackle best?
He missed one at FLL
Will I be allowed to wear this shirt to a WWE PLE?
favorite character that you had a dream with?
Describe your favorite character as badly as you can and let others people guess it
Helping a random penguins fan hey home.
There a was rumor that Lady Gaga was gonna be the Evil Queen in the remake before Gal Gadot. Do y’all think if she was casted, the movie would have been a little better??
What song for trailer 2 would YOU choose if given the opportunity?
Scalping is ruining the hobby
What in the actual fuck happened here.
Back When fans asked Christopher Nolan why he chose Travis Scott
The karma farming situation is crazy
Please help me find this painting
Scenes and exchanges that were 100% written by a parent
Lilo & Stitch Fans Are Mad They Took Pleakley Out Of Drag In The Live-Action Movie
It only takes three words to fill you with impending doom.
Just Imagine what it would be like.
Track 6: Philly
Invincible fans when old guy sounds old
r/DiscoveryKingdom is a car wreck that I can’t look away from
Looks (or sounds) like Will Arnett finally gets a live action Batman
What Posty album is this? 👀
I can't believe this is real panel. I get Paul cucked Peter but this is some insane fetish from artist to portray him as cuck and loser
Will Arnett coming back as Batman was NOT on my Bingo card for 2025