How racist is the name Bernice?
should i cut more or leave it?
Drop some more songs like these.
She’s going to lock him out of Beverly Hills! Kathy does have her sister’s back after all
how bad did my stylist fuck up man
These box braids look decent on ya boy or nah??
We should take a shot every time he says “you know?”
I paid $250 for this- is this a reasonable price?
They look Fabulous in this picture...who is your favorite and why?
Will an elastic on one side bring my right eye lower
Not me stressing my ortho out for giving him a timeline 😂
is this slanting a jaw problem or can it be evened out w braces?
I think the sunscreen is working.
The LOUDEST spoon ever
'And she said I will destroy Kyle and her family if it's the last thing I ever do!'
My homeboy cut my hair and I have to attend my aunt's wedding tomorrow, 1st image is what I wanted did he get me right yall?
Which suits me better?
Am I eating too much???
Left tooth is so much lower.
Can Braces Fix My Misaligned Jaw/Cross-bite and Overbite?
What’s the best episode of any housewives franchise to show someone who has never watched before?
Who would be your first choice and last choice to marry out of this season’s cast? And why?
Dorit openly supporting genocide and calling for ethnic cleansing
Kathy’s schtick… She’s rich as Croesus.. how can she be bothered to do this fake ditzy persona?
AITA for frustrations here?