The Rookie Season 7 Is…..
Episode Title or season number and / or episode number.
Does anyone here actually care for Celina?
Have you ever seen a Blue and Gold Bus? With no numbers and no mta logo in the front
The bailey hate is going too far..
The Corruption
About the Corruption Scandal
New stop
QV or Casey Stangle
Proposed Newark/JFK Link
7x09 Sneak Peek
Most hated cops in season 3
Why did Seth have to throw away that note?
“Way too ahead of schedule”
Does anyone know when the RUSH services and new routes like the Q74 will be implemented?
7x09 sneak peak !
How long has Nick been feeding Serj?
Is season 7 already over??
Documentary episodes
7x11 Title
Almost Gone
In your opinion, what are some chaotic bus routes in every borough?
Why don’t they interact anymore?
I’m not the biggest fan of Season 7
Was detective Armstrong rushed?