I am about to leave my wife and I am wondering if I am guilty on this
Car Insurance Price
Can’t Find Forgiveness….
My mom needs help gaming
Denial of Dyslexia and ADHD by Peter Hitchens
AITAH for cutting off my brother on his wedding day?
AITA for calling my sister selfish for having twins despite being financially unstable?
Court date set
Found a place
When most celebrities die, so many nice things are said about them. But who’s a celebrity that died that no one really said great things about afterwards?
psychiatrist asked invasive questions during intake
Was anyone uncertain the entire way through your divorce but proceeded anyway?
Post divorce document organization - so many papers!!
Suicidal from divorce, heres my story
Boss wants me in office when the rest of the team gets remote privileges
Do I have a counterfeit clarinet?
Just got approved for a tiny (200sqft) apartment with zero furnishings. What would be a good way to start designing it?
AITA for Not Carrying My Son Everywhere After He Broke His Foot?
AITAH for refusing to eat the “immortal bread” my coworker baked?
Weekly Clarinet Identification/Appraisal Thread
Husband says I can't have dinner because I served family first
AITH for kicking my autistic 23 year old son out of the house and into an apartment I’ve already pre-paid an entire year for?
AITAH For Refusing to met the Biological Child I Do Not Claim
after years of mistreatment, I snapped: I’m done
AITAH For holding my soon-to-be-former brother in law's phone number hostage?