A reminder that "legal" isn't always "safe"
Real belter feeling playing Hardspace: Shipbreaker
If there, as seems to be the current theory, an upper limit to the mass of the largest Black Holes, what would happen if two BH's merged to go 'over' this limit?
A cheap way to mount your phone for AstroHopper
Airbus spitting out 220’s like candy.
Challenges with improving my budget telescope
Games like the books/show
How do black domains stop XXXXXX?
what's something you DON'T like about the show?
Worth reading the third book?
How do you knock out someone who is wearing a spacesuit in vacuum - without killing them?
Would this help anyway before joining flight school?
Safety of lap infant vs car seat?
Anything as good as the PA Renfaire in the Northeast?
What is a book that has an amazing/original plot but terrible prose?
what airport is this?
Could you land an airliner in real life?
Warning to pilots
Fusion Drives In An Atmosphere?
Mars : how to live there
Rate our mid-air refuel
ELI5 How are astronomers able to identify individual stars in other galaxies?
CFIs who take their students to their checkride, how do you pass the time?
I just finished the show and what was that plot with the kid being revived?
I am an absolute idiot.. Apparently this is the end? No wonder I was so confused..