when you're training for your komeback
Krusty gets Kancelled s4e22
Well, William, I'm back. So how did you spend your summer? I made millions in software and lost it at the track, acchh!
My sister's favorite show. Loved the koosh and her crush on Tom Cruise.
when homer shoots first
🎵bringing in the sheaves, bringing in...🎵 Oh my Lord! Something horrible has happened!
Good God, he is fabulous!
Who will come and live a life devoted to chastity, abstinence, and a flavorless mush I call rootmarm?
Simpson thickened dye paint with tie dye
Mark hendry
when full power
Hey, Bernard. Good evening, Krusty. Nice to see you, Bernard. Krusty, over here! Krusty, one more!
Well, according to our computer-aging program, she should look about.....25 years older.
Arthur in the middle of a gunfight
My Medicinal Marijuana is so expensive
when you get by with a little help from your friends
How was this not crossposted already?
Imagine tuning into the news that day?
Alright People: What Songs do you skip when listening to DM?
>WWE decides to push an underdog with an incredible connection with the crowd after 4 years of build >Immediately people start saying "eh but he didn't deserve it, eh but the legend semi-retired, eh but there are more deserving people" Every single time
How would you like a street named after you? (What are your favorite Mayor Quimby moments?)
It's the Curies. We must flee!
They really will do anything except let Iyo win
Am I the only one who is amped about this movie.... this was my ishhh when I was a kid I would go out of my way to eat hot dogs and drink root beer lol