Waarom zijn Fransen zo?
Leegstand in de winkelstraat breidt uit als een olievlek: kan er nog iets aan gedaan worden?
How has this new update treated everyone?
How to fence in your C.A.M.P.
FYI Drill in raids is being destroyed much faster now.
Charging or normal barrelfor Gatling Laser?
Is the best commando build now going to incorporate guerilla and gunslinger perks?
Is Fallout 1st worth it?
Help with lazy full health build for raid (especially snake)
Noob Question: Why Do I Never See People Building Their Camp?
Just curious, are you all going to become ghouls? If so, what makes you want to play as a ghoul?
Wij hebben geen hobbies
Quick Update: Ghoul Within AMA - Character Slots
Ps5 crashes are insane and worst they've ever been
V.A.T.S. with Power Armor
What is your favorite build
I have lots of plans I want dont want
My bloodied build of late is starting to feel abit lacklustre what are you guys set ups? Any help appreciated:)
What is the best thing for your collectron to search for
Why did the story jump from manageable to insanely hard to solo?
What's up wastelanders
Shoutout to Maze Camps
Will you keep a pistol with you?
How do you guys get legendary mods?