People who live on a livable wage, don’t work a trade, and didn’t go to college, what do you do?
Tesla badass with a gun
Who are the opening acts that become more the famous that they people who they used to open for ?
The packaging said there would be 300…
Elon Musk urges investors to hold their shares
Do I have enough experience to skip SDR?
Stephanies NDA has expired and she spills all the tea on the 90-day fiance franchise
Recruiter wants to see my W-2 before scheduling 1st round call with Founder
Home Improvement Sales or Elsewhere?
This is bullcrap
Witness could not open door to save victims
Are there good books or podcasts focusing on residential sales?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Am I Overreacting, or Is This a Serious Conflict of Interest in My Business?
This is the one…I’ve finally got it.
What movie hit differently when you re-watched it as an adult?
What’s something nobody warned you about before starting your business?
Am I the only one that thinks it’s CRAZY that people don’t put a porch light on at night? It seems so uncommon now.
What’s up with Walgreens?
The freeways a jungle, and were all the prey
Life isn’t worth it if you aren’t rich.
Is this rude to tell a older Hispanic woman don't call me sir but I tell her you look like an illegal immigrant to her face?
I have basically no motivations or ambition in life
If fast food drive thru places gave you food first and made you pay second - how many people would drive right off?
New IMAX Poster for 'Warfare'