New f2p acc to 1640 with express
Excavating best tool perks?
Did you know bard can do this..? (No Atro)
Why You maybe get gatekept in Lost ark
Im a New player and I love the game.
Every Way To Earn Gold In Lost Arkf
WildSoul Challenge Express Event Guide In Lost Ark
Links to all clips to all classes balance changes
Lost ark Ultimate T4 & T3 Material farming guide
How to build your Perfect Lost ark character In T4
Lost ark 2025 New & Returning Player Guide
Small changes to combat BEEPBOOP's but NOT remove New Players.
Change gold on Below 1660 raids to 90% bound. And unnerf old raids.
Community FEEDBACK (Busing, Bots, other issues)
Full relic magick stream bard, swap swift to spec?
To the people that don't bus here are few numbers. BIG GOLD is being generated.
Any new cooked up dps bard builds? Cuz we have 3/3 nodes now finally on the tree c:
Saw this pass by today... How...
BK vs SURA as juiced players in new raids
What dps have you been pulling as asura in HM?
RE db mains how Back attack is the class now actually at 1680+?
Hardest pumpers in your Hard brel v2 clears?
Steal from npc, any benefit or way to increase chance of success c:?
What do you think is the cause of the mass inflation?
can you put double surge into group storage? or does it need to be tradable version