A Psoriasis treatment guide
A detailed background on psoriasis ~~
Found out I have psoriasis today
SIBO - Mental Health
Posted this in the Psoriatic arthritis sub. Just wanted to share my excitement over this new diet
Just a little over a month of WFPB
Soy quality in different countries
Eating only when hungry
Teaching myself
Sign of imminent crash - Costco discounts
Took my Nvidia gains after 3 years of holding shares.
Bane if my existence.
Gut issues and psoriasis
Psoriasis and gut health
How i cured my psoriasis
Question about guttate psoriasis
Holy fucking shit I hate this platform
Comment sections have just completely lost originality now
I bloody hate the whole idea of holding
"In short, stocks don’t cease to be risky investments once they are held for decades. But investors can mitigate their losses by investing in the most broadly diversified low-fee index funds and refraining from trading."
Children’s hospital saying they won’t accept the amount I can pay monthly??
This dip has solidified my opinion that this sub is not Bogle at all
Mango's Message to WSB
Liver flushing eliminated my bloating in 1 week
life is full of surprises