(Rp in DMs) after discovering my gender swap abilities I decided to mess with you by swapping at random times and places when you least expect it this time I decided to mess with you while you showered
Ever since my second puberty hit my dreams keep getting worse and worse. It was a slow build up but now every dream just ends on me getting bent over ugh...
Mi familia organizó un viaje a Brasil, todos pensaban que estaba feliz porque iba a ver chicas brasileñas guapas, pero nadie se esperaba que me compré pastillas feminizantes para el viaje y me convertí en una mujer latina guapa y con buen pecho, ahora puedo lucir este bikini en las playas de Brasil
My eldest son had been diagnosed with the second puberty, his mother and I watched as our son grew into a beautiful busty woman, since then me a and my wife treat her like a princess, right now we go to the Cancun beach so she can have fun and show her new, bigboobs, it seems she loves her new body
Realmente no sé qué pasó, solo estaba investigando sobre esta enfermedad llamada “segunda pubertad” y de repente un brillo mágico salió de mi computadora, me fui a dormir y cuando desperté sentí estos enormes senos en mi pecho, al parecer me convertí una mujer tetona, me encantan estos senos ahora
Hola, soy Iker, su jefe. Desde que me convertí en una mujer con mucho busto, no solo he cambiado físicamente, sino que también he empezado a pensar como una mujer y creo que he sido muy grosera con ustedes. Son empleados tan guapos, así que les voy a organizar la fiesta solo para hombres en mi casa
No puedo creer que mi hijo haya usado esas pastillas feminizantes para convertirse en una mujer tetona en el viaje a la playa, pensé que vendría a ver hermosas chicas en bikini pero él quería ser una de esas chicas, sus senos son enormes ahora se la pasa ligando con chicos, incluso conmigo
Fuiste de vacaciones de verano con tu mejor amigo a la playa, mientras ambos se relajaban en el hotel notaste un aroma extraño que te hizo quedarte dormido después, al despertar notaste que tu mejor amigo se había convertido en una hermosa tetona que te estaba esperando para ir juntos a la playa
You told me that you had a family party and that you were the only one of the men without a partner, so as a good friend I took feminizing pills and I became a beautiful busty woman, I am ready to humiliate the other girlfriends on the dance floor, your girlfriend will be the princess of the party
Tú me contaste que tenías una fiesta familiar y que eras el único de los hombres sin una pareja, así que como bien amigo tome pastillas feminizantes y me convertí en una hermosa mujer tetona, estoy lista para humillar a las demás novias en la pista de baile, tu novia será la princesa de la fiesta
My family had organized a trip to Brazil, everyone thought I was happy because I was going to see beautiful Brazilian girls, but no one expected that I bought feminizing pills for the trip and I turned into a beautiful busty latina woman, now I can wear this bikini on the beautiful beaches of Brazil
I really don't know what happened to me, I was just Investigate this strange disease called "second puberty" when I enter in a strange page that asked for my information, afther that the page crashed, I just went to sleep and when I woke up I already had the second puberty, now I'm a busty woman
I can't believe it, before we were teammates in high school, I was the captain, the top scorer, you were just another member of the team, after that witch turned me into a busty woman, I had to retire, now I'm just your busty whore cleaning your mansion, while you are one of the best in the league
My mom and I got invited to dinner to meet my dads new fiancé. While having dinner my dad wanted to show us a magic trick. That’s when his body had turned transparent and jump towards my moms body. After a brief struggle she relaxes and grabs her breasts. “Ta Da!” He said as he looks at me
One minute I am at home enjoying a quiet weekend with my wife and kids and in the blink of an eye I suddenly find myself inside the body of bimbo pornstar Amy Anderssen... Will do anything to find help and a way to reverse whatever happened to me! (Infinite RP)
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Mom, I understand that you are mad because I don’t usually help you much at home, but it really wasn’t necessary to become a busty woman just to understand you better, now everyone always looks at my breasts, I really need you to return to normal, I don’t want to be a woman have these huge breasts
I’m looking for people who dream of one day waking up being a beautiful woman, living and enjoying their new life as a woman, I would love to talk about this fantasy with someone else, send me dm if you are interested
You told me you had a family party and you were the only man in your family who didn't have agirlfriend,so as a good friend I took feminizing pills and I turned into this beautiful busty woman,I'm ready to humiliate the other girlfriends on the dance floor,your girlfriend will be the busty best,dude
You and your bro used to go on vacation together, with your families. This year your best friend had her second puberty and he now she turn into a beautiful busty woman.You hadn't seen each other in a while, but this year you'll go on vacation together again and she seems very happy about the news
You went on summer vacation with your best friend to the beach, while you were relaxing at the hotel you noticed a strange aroma that made you fall asleep,but when you woke up you noticed that your best friend had turn in to a beautiful busty woman who was waiting for you to go to the beach together