In Barcelona there are an estimated 300 heart attacks and 30 deaths a year just from traffic noise
[TOMT][SONG][90s or 2000s] It’s an alternative rock song that sounds like either Bush or Live. It’s about 130 beats per minute.
Downtown Durham Surface Lots (red) and Parking Decks (yellow) visualized
When Graffiti Gets Graffitied
[TP] What’s this called? Wrong answers only.
Possible high split
Lookin’ good for 38? rate me
Got glasses whatcha think
750 new homes coming to wiggington road/ expressway area
High Split is a game changer.
What are your opinions on Senate Bill 58 being passed and the limitations being placed on state AG Jeff Jackson?
This guy seems to not be incarcerated and it looks like he's in Wake County
What state are you all from?
Who else is struggling this a.m. thanks to daylight saving time?
Wiggington Rd Subdivision - LEGAL OPTION
Just leaving feedback
Fun! McDonald’s Debuts Modern Play Place (2 screens, 2 chairs)
What a total joke
License plates are optional.
Why is I-85 so desolate? I would expect it to be more heavily traveled.
What do teens do?
New haircut yea or nay?
Did you have to watch 9/11 during school time? did any teachers tell you WHY we had to watch it?
The US House only passed a Budget 'framework'. What's in the actual Budget is still very important. Try to make such AOC and other speeches go even more 'viral'. And keep up the phone calls, town halls, etc.
Anyone know of housing that’s willing to rent to felons?