There is a deliberate hole in the bottom of my beer glass
Say you’re pulling in $150k a year. After rent, taxes, insurance, transportation, all that jazz in your city—what’s left in your pocket?
Why does this happen?
If people had to reveal their deepest kink before getting a job, which industries would suffer the most?
You have $15 to start a bar. Pick one from each category.
What’s the best way to easily remove the rust off my bandsaw? Thanks!
Need Advice: Repair or Replace My Shop Fox Jointer?
Does he have a little hand, or a little foot?
Is it just me, or does everyone else see it too?
One of the largest dam removals in US History (Klamath River)
Found cleaning an apartment: iPod nano and 15+ year old bag of weed.
What In The World?
In "Hero or Hate Crime" (S12, E6) Who would you say deserved the Lottery Ticket?
Of course we know who it is
Non-Load Bearing Porch Beams
A simple way of extending a board
Is that Dennis? (season 2, episode 8, a transition shot)
Using Shellac for the first time
Where did I put down the yellow & black tape measure!!
Undercarriage? 2007 FJ with 169k
String Together Neighboring Galaxies in Beyond E28: Clusterstruck
Did you know that you could put out a fire using diesel? (Still, don't try this at home. Please!)
Stuffed Jalapeños [Homemade]
Skydiver jumps 25000ft without parachute