Flero, Italien
Doom: The Dark Ages won't end with the Slayer in a coffin waiting for the start of Doom 2016: 'That would mean that we couldn't tell any more medieval stories'
I can’t stop seeing the rock
Does anyone else think it would be really cool if this upgraded effected Seeker grenades?
Cryteks weird silence about the servers
Fler und PA Sports Beef geht weiter
Als OB war das zwar nicht mir abgesprochen, aber Palmer hat vollkommen Recht! Schluss jetzt!
Playing trios
Manuellsen kauft sich ein neues Handy
Am Sonntag ist es soweit: FLER droppt via Maskulin.de den ersten coolen Deutschland-Merch "Eine Deutsche Marke"
Fler korrigiert Filmkritiker bezüglich der Indiana Jones Lore
Audible Range for Subsonic & Silencers
We killed 3 hunters, banised the boss and left with 1 bounty as a trio. I made 278 hunt dollars. Why would anybody care about the bounty?
trying to come up with variants for guns that aren't used too much, or that just need more.
Hit registration logic explained
If you don’t get the movie, leave.
Skin rarity tags
Nitro + shredder + crack shot
Update on Trade Window Results
Roulette weapon #3: Rival 78
is the 6 star experience actually that bad?
I know it was shredder but -85% damage is just hilarious
This is Lighfoot. Is it okay to have a trait like this in a game based on sounds?