Was randomly called ‘Boy ___’ at school
Does this poor person think that his base is in my world? 😅
Its been about a year since I came out and I feel like I'm not really going anywhere since.
What item do you like, not being of how good it is, but you personally just like it?
What is this even meant to be?
Who wants to join my Minecraft realm?
Today is Day 18 (4_5_volt_title)
Does anyone else feel judged by others for drinking Monster (or any other energy drinks)?
Today is Day 16 (Just a few more days, don't worry)
How many of your characters have been the opposite gender to your own?
I feel like a cross over between these 2 games could work
All of y'all Which herodo yall hate the most
KRV Paladins question
What the worst things you saw on a sign ?
Honest opinion on my showstopper spy loadout? (My friends say its horrible)
I HATE cannot use more than 3 cosmetics for once.
Guess i'll make it to boss rush after all, what are the chances.
What’s your most favorite TF2 animation of all time
Alliance — Dark Knights
Kingdom Rush Alliance: Wisdom Test - Colossal Core - Luminer/Therein - Impossible (? Towers)
Lore-wise, who is the most powerful hero?
Machines Only Challenge - By War Champion
I'm calling it quits lads, it was fun while it lasted.
The lil freaks latest video is so sad
I can't believe i'm saying this but I almost feel bad for the little guy.