F19 I’m so high and horny sending nude pics to anyone who upvt and comment
Looking for a website near Delmarva that ships the same day.
I need to really start ordering online
Is 7-hydroxymitragynine water soluble
Damn 7-OH starting to spark some controversy…
New 7 oh user....just some questions...
a GREAT alternative to feel frees
Bkc order arrived and they hooked it up with Girl Scout cookies
Dissolve vs Chewing
In a pinch, would a hydrocodone or similar type med with a longer half life keep one from the dreaded 3am wakeup?
Have any of you all tried these yet?
Idk what you guys are talking about
Need to stop
Night Sweats
First time buying tabs online...what's best?
Make sure to check your invite messages if you asked to be added to our new private sub. Many of people haven't accepted yet. If you haven't asked for an invite yet, comment here for your chance!
40mg tabs
Update on Withdrawal Process and Detox from 7-OH
Testmykratom.com is almost assuredly being administered by 7ohmz.
Testmykratom.com is a website seemingly being run by 7ohmz.
Happy early Friday from press’d in case you didn’t know!!!! Xmas came early..🙏🏼
Stardust review
Stardusts' current batch of xo-xo 25mg tabs are actually bunk
Got a couple things otw from KD and 7ohmz! What’s you guys feedback on it??