[Hated Trope] “I’m going to put a curse on this person as a punishment. Also this curse will give them super powers that threaten the entire world”.
Characters you should NEVER follow into battle, cause everyone, except them, dies
Ciaphas Cain, horniest hero of the Imperium
I was today years old when I realized the key to debunking the whole "need for fuel" argument in The Last Jedi is with something from 1987...
What are some of the biggest thematic differences between Canon and Legends?
When can I see this on the big screen?
Do you think it would be more impactful if Jaina’s stint with the Dark side had been longer?
Recurring characters we never actually see
What are some Mandela effects you've had?
Tantive IV prisoners
No dogs in the Vault, says who?
How did Palpatine plan to keep leverage over Luke?
(Hated trope) characters who practically did nothing to earn forgiveness
Mixed on this trope, the villain is an allegory for an evil politician or the writers disliked politician?
There seem to be two separate CIS rebellions
When the Star Wars writer gets into Warhammer 40K
From an evolutionary point of view, what would be the reasons why the Mon Calamari developed an industry faster than the Quarren?
What do we know about the origin of the names of some planets/locations in Star Wars?
The Empire watches Hannah Barbera
How realistic is it for Thrawn to be able to figure out the tactics of other species solely by their artwork?
Human racism within the Empire?
What are some of the pettiest things a filmmaker has ever done in (one of) their films?
Surprizingly good representation coming from an unexpected source
>The entirety of the Caiphas Cain series
Did the Empire tried to rebuild or capture ancient superweapons like the starforge?