Whom are they even quoting?
Legoshi is 6’1 tall
Am I wrong for wanting a new job now?
I think I won't have children.
I’m gonna lose my job and my dad doesn’t care
What are some polite ways you can let a guy know that you’d like to suck their dick?
r/iamverybadass mod groveling to Elon
Keep hurting me, daddy
My boss, a proud Trump supporter and landlord, received this in the mail today.
What is the bowl/hump on the back of a Turian’s neck? What does it do? What is its purpose?
":3" mouth without booleans
The second DC FurRide was yes
Another tiktok truck build country badass😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
Stop the steal!!
If masseffect had ending slide like new vegas what would you want them to say?
A round up of some Predator art I've done in the last month or so, hope you guys enjoy!
this is the image I saw when I heard my alarm go off in my dream
I disagree with the beginning
The beginning of a rift between the duo jesters
Does it get worse after Pervert the Futterman?
My husband's Ex work wife has started a smear campaign
I’m gonna just drop this here in this sub
Are these called Predator Dogs or Predator Hounds?