Releasing artian weapons with the base game was a mistake...
Xbox series S users
As A Gammoth fan...I was so pissed..
Lance: Things We Learned About the Changes Today
For those who have preordered
How to use your personal phone to scan and print.
What will be your primary/secondary weapon?
Alatreon solo lance finally
Was a MR of 99 really necessary for Guiding Lands LV7 unlock?
In yalls opinion, what's the best way to get through the Guiding lands and that tedious grind
Bought a switch to keep me entertained on slow nights. What games do you recommend?
What's a monster you hope makes a return in Wilds?
To the lance is clunky crowd, a mediocre frog run
Lance solo Fatalis kill FINALLY!!!
I need advice about the lance
Does anyone know how or if you can hotkeys healing items on controller in this game like you can the first one?
Main quests
Trickster is useless as the arisen
Warfarer on console. (Its awful?)
How long should I stick with the main quest before splitting off?
Xbox S textures never load.
It hurts me that the female half naked pawns get more love then the Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson
Which upgrade do I want to put on my armor?