Hey, do you remember the harronir? Orweyna was featured in the cinematic as one of the major characters but they just disappeared.
I hate talents like these in games, not just wow. A 1-2% increase in literally anything, is incredibly boring and feels like talent tree bloat. Would 10 out of 10 times rather have a "fun" / cosmetic talent versus a microscopic stat increase
Man, Brann is merciless!
Sometimes Skitter goes shopping outside the inn in Dornogal. It's a good day for our little buddy!
Holding the Lost Compass toy makes vulpera smile
MoP Remix: One of the BEST iterations of WoW in the history of the game
New War Within Login Screen
How are you feeling about the current state of the game?
I knew I’d seen this guy somewhere…
this is the real mauler hero we deserved, not more human hybrids :sob:
Hero Profile: Soren
I'm starting an Evoker and I didn't know there was a way to import talent trees. I thought this was the rotation.
Why Does WoW Seem To Be The Only MMORPG With Many Non-Human Playable Races? Are they Not Popular Enough?
No music in main menu/lobby
Dragonflight Beta Key Giveaways
This is gold
Cheaters on Server 25 Continue to STAY
Honestly, who asked for this?...
Why do Dracthyrs look like how scalies draw dragons instead of how WoW has portrayed dragons in the past?
[no spoilers Chapter 2] Ralsei is shady as fuck!!
Trial Teams
Wow i'm consistently beating purple teams 2x my power with this team
Most masterful distractions, yes-yes!
Isn't it adorable how the dark elves shout Druchii before the battle. It's like yay we're Druchii, yay...