What do you think the best glaive is?
Best hunter subclass for running triple glaive?
Hope I’m doing this right, I got 2 cosmogs for trade. looking for offers?
I got my first shundo today! And even better, a friend got one too!
enough to make any titan shed a tear of happyness
Just came back to the game after ~2 years. Looking for good, Master League PVP mons.
How did I get this?
have the taken phalanx shields gotten bigger?
Give Pigeons the light.
My first ever legendary… I didn’t understand what shadow pokemon were 😭
I'm so sorry about this
Looking for lucky cosmog offering in details below
Iron Viking.
Level 1 Shnundo Corphish caught in the wild during the Deep Depths event 🤩
Lf relicanth offering shinies
Looking for giveaway, offering dmax raikou (must have raikou registered) open to everyone
Looking for: Buzzwole offering:Dm me for offers
Dr.Zed Warlock!
Looking for reli, offering shinies if registered
Looking for gmax blastoise, offering rare shiny and BG necrozma
what should i do with this one?
Looking for relicanth, offering rare shiny. Only registered trades
Can anyone else emotionally relate to a heavy burst hc
Offering shiny xxl reshiram (1/5000) LF anthing rare, mostly shiny costume pokemons
Take a wild guess what my favorite weapon is :3