What do y’all say about matching samurai frogs guarding the mermaid on the belly
If it was your last meal, which restaurant would you choose?
Places to go clear your head at evening/night?
How can I get started
Stunning views from Prudential ft CITGO
Al balad kodak gold v2
Is Tumi really worth the $$?
How do these prices compare to those in your country? (This is Germany, € prices)
Cards ‘n Cheese Curds at Gracie O’Malley’s
Why is EVERY Naperville intersection a traffic jam at 5 PM?
The last thing you ate is her new name
Am I destroying my alcantara wheel?
Which would you take?
Not as good as most of y’all yet but I’m proud of how these came out. A7RII
A good, non-American breakfast spot in Chicago?
Rockport, MA - A7IV Sigma 24-70f2.8
Why is my 7 month old kitten SO massive??
What do your significant others drive?
Keep camper shell black or color match it red?
Gamers 0nly! Which one should I play first?
Dealership rec
Stephen King-themed names for a female cat?
Awkward spot tattoo ideas?
Help me fill a gap!! Give me your ideas!!!!!