This might just be the hardest piece of 40k Art ever created (by the legend John Blanche)
I just don’t get hate man
Let me kiss warframe David Bowie damn you! (jokes aside not an actual issue)
Russian soldier records a group of their own soldiers walking into a mine somewhere in eastern Ukraine (with English subtitles, Unknown date)
Finally Getting into Warhammer !
"Group up! And hit it 'till it dies!"
The best part of this update: new Cephalon Cy lines
They removed Kaya swearing
Some were TOO unfortunate
Wait.. she's 19!?
why would people stick around a region controlled by a great evil?
Azithromycin instructions unclear
I've never adopted two kittens at the same time before. Is it normal for cats to like each other this much?
Atom Eve this entire season
Nah, that sounds like a you problem [OC]
So... when are we killing X again?
What kind of blade is he working on?
Not the type of evolution I was expecting
how is it possible to scape a crime scene nowadays? like how can you kill someone if there are cameras everywhere and stuff. i dont get it.
What the heck is this
The many variations of the Voodoo Ranger Skeleton
A hollow victory indeed ⛳️
If You Were To Be In Warframe, Which Character Would You Like To Be?
Period sex 🙄
a tweet that aged like milk
Is there a lore reason Gojo only needs one hand for his Domain?