MAGA/Trump/Musk Businesses to Avoid
Movies that are peaceful with almost no tension
So many of my techs have kids with autism. Is there something uniquely toxic about pharmacies that leads to this outcome?
2022-2024 NAPLEX Passing Rates
Mods are asleep. Post fake teslas.
This is a retail first....
New scummy PBM tactic?
Whats a celebrity moment you swear happened but somehow can’t find on the internet anymore?
Which trade magazine is currently working on an expose of a late night host, who is believed to be super nice, due to creating a toxic workplace?
Cheapest new car for uber
Toyota reduces price of new hydrogen car in California to just over $15,000 — with $15,000 of free fuel
Any other Prius drivers get undeserved rage from other drivers?
Any of you have a home Hydrogen station?
Ford increasing production of more affordable models
Rapping for Jesus!
Since when did it become acceptable for companies to demand free labor?
San Francisco Walgreens closures leave 65,000 without pharmacy
Your thoughts on the popcorn ceilings of yore?
Any Canadians looking to buy a Mirai from California?
Frens Taste Like Frens
Our best friend is "Orange Cat"
Tuition assistance program for P4 pharmacy students
Corporate, I know you read this subreddit. Please stop understaffing.
Is there a way to plug in the mirai to charge the battery for extra range?
Is Redding a bad place to live?